Tuesday, March 17, 2009

day 6
Today we had our first lesson, real lesson on the 6th day. Our lecturer was Miss Anna who is from china. She can speak really well English; the essence of her English is of those ang moh types. While her Chinese essence still have those of china Chinese.

From today the presentation Miss Anna gave today, learn quite a numerous things from her. I learnt about the culture, history and the cuisine of Hubei, and Wuhan too. The history of Hubei is quite interesting. There was quite a numerous famous character in ancient time actually from Hubei. After she explained to us about the Chi-bi movie, I am now tempted to watch it. I was interested in those IQ stuff, strategists and mystery stuff.

For the second period of lesson, we did essay on the Hubei and Wuhan. I think is quite a good idea for us doing that. During lesson, we might forget what Miss Anna told us. If we do this essay, this can help me refresh our memories on it and it stays in our brain longer.
After the second lesson, upon hearing one of the famous delicacies in Wuhan is fish balls. There are quite a number of fish balls restaurant outside our school. So we decided to go out and eat. Out of so many restaurants, we were finding which restaurant had the most cars outside and number of people inside. Soon, we found one and decided to go in. The food was good. We had mutton, pigeon, toufu, vegetable, fish balls and fish. The toufu is different from Singapore and is tasty. The fish balls are totally different from what we eat from Singapore. The fish balls here are soft while Singapore’s springy.

Today i found out that the pathway walking to the foreign language school has its fixed direction. The direction that is towards the school should walk at the pathway near to the stadium side. If you are walking towards canteen 2, the pathway we should take is the pathway near the library.

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