Monday, March 16, 2009

day 2

Throughout the whole night, was sleeping uneasily. The room was so cold for both me and Xin Rong. I was waking up and sleeping continuously. I woke up at 6.30 and got myself wash up. Once I stripped, I could feel the cold air in the toilet and started shivering. Quickly I on the hot shower to the max heat so I could have my heat in the toilet.

We were supposed to meet the teachers at the school canteen at 8am. However, when we reach there, there were no teachers around. All of us were thinking, did we hear wrongly for the wrong place to meet. In a while time, Mr Chua came. And soon, more students came. Mr Chua proceeded to the canteen. He talked to the chef and guessed what. We could eat all we want in the canteen for 5 RMP, which is like 1 dollar plus in Singapore currency. Cheap isn’t it?

Upon filling up the stomach, went back to the hostel to wait for time to pass. 9.30am was the time supposed to assemble for the tour. However, there were 2 person came to check about the internet connection. They give reason that their laptop have no battery or so and ask for our laptop. So Chewy gave in his. They checked, set up connection and poof. There is internet connection. However, the person said that we should have an account in order to have the internet. Therefore, the person having chewy laptop delayed the time and made everyone wait.

We had a tour around the school. The school basically is quite big. Even some part of the school look like area in the town. The school didn’t even look like school with stalls like those. There was also construction going on in there. Wasn’t it funny? How come a school was already in operation when some parts were under construction? Our classroom was located at the foreign school second level. Once we settle inside, for a moment, quite a number of us started to turn on the CPU. And that’s the first time I use internet when I reach Wuhan. So quickly, do those things that I wanted. There was this programmed control by teacher. It said something like please concentrate on what the teacher is teaching and stop doing your work. And also were given the password to gain access for the internet.

It’s time to go back to the canteen with our canteen card top up with the money. I top up 50 RMP. This time I ate mushroom fried rice. I was standing there queuing waiting for my food. I ordered mushroom fried rice. WOW! The fried rice was really nice; the fragrant will also make u hungry just by smelling it.

Once lunch is over, went back to the hostel again. Hurry back to on my laptop and gave a try to the internet access. It was a success, now that there is internet. 1.30pm, all were to assemble outside the hostel for briefing. We were told to travel to this lu xiang guang chang, one of the shopping building in the city area. We went as a group and ask for direction to the place. Teachers wanted us to go there ourselves and shop. We cross the zebra-crossing and took bus 901 from the bus stop. All of us made payment for the bus ticket for 2 RMP. Finally, we had arrived at the bus stop at last. There is still a long distance for us to walk to reach the destination. So we shopped at the nearest building first.

During our window shopping, satish lost his gloves. And the gloves disappear very quickly, got pick up by other people already. We decided to end our window shopping from that building and proceed to our destination. Basically, we also did window shopping again. There is also arcade here. But there is nothing much to play compared it to Singapore. The items here were also same pricing as Singapore. Not much difference. We had our dinner at KFC and we proceed back.

But, once we stepped out of the KFC, we saw this dog which is very big. This dog was quite playful; it activated the siren of the motorcycle 2 times and knocked down 1 bicycle. Once the dog and its owner leave the place, we also leave the place to go back to the hostel. That’s all for today.

From what I see from today, actually china people were quite friendly and helpful. On the way to and fro aboard the bus, the passengers onboard the bus helped to pass the ticket or money to the ticketing in charge. Also, the ticketing in charge also chatted with Ngee Ann student and teach us how to get to lu xiang guang chang. Another thing was during lunch, I went to order fried rice. There was this girl who is frying the rice. I can see that her hand was quite swollen up due to the oil spluttering on her hand. She doesn’t seem like in pain for her. She might also be in pain and she endured it. As for me, I don’t even think I can do that. For example, during steamboat, there is this barbeque thing. Once the oil splutter out and touches my hand, I would start screaming. Does girls in china are very strong in enduring?

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