Tuesday, March 17, 2009

day 5
Finally, today is a free and easy day for us. The day we have to do what we have with all the time we had. Today, our group leader, dave had decided to go Wu Chang Xu.

So we start our day at 1pm. We exit the University, crossed the zebra-crossing to over the road. We were waiting for taxi. But those taxis which came were those being occupied, or else no taxi came. Then, there is one van stopped before us as another guy board the van, followed by us as he told us he could fetch us there. So, we decided to board. Travel for less than ten meters, the guy who boarded the van before us alight. The trip cost us 70 RMP.
It was already noon, we had not had our breakfast and lunch. So we asked for direction to xiao chi yi jie. On our way there, we saw this beggar. The beggar was begging for money with an old lady lying in front of him. He was also shivering. He was really pitiful, but is this real or not?

The food at xiao chi yi jie was really good and cheap. I guess is better than the place where the tour guide brought us there. I wonder why the tour guide from yesterday did not bring us there as it is near huang he lou too. We carried on shopping after eating. We came around this shopping centre where the Taiwan singer, Luo Zhi Xiang, is coming to Wuhan. There was quite a long queue.

The sun is setting soon. Therefore, decided to have dinner before we go back to the hostel. We had steak for dinner. The steak is really good, much better tasting than Singapore. The pricing was also cheap. We taxied back to hostel.

From the taxi driver, learn quite a number of things from him. He told us he was once a tour guide too for 10 years. Then he decided to quit and become a taxi driver.
There were quite a number of taxis that stop in front of us, when we decided to go home. But once we told them where we wanted to go, they just shook their hand. How come taxi driver can earn money, they also would not take the job? There were also bars and video camera in the taxi. This is to prevent people from robbing or extorting money from them. Or even, if they do it, there will be a video.

Another thing is, whenever there is a traffic jam, the traffic police will appear. China people like to hang their clothing very far from their house. And the clothing hanged on was in the middle of the street on the cable. I wonder how they did it and how they collect back. They come out and stand in the middle and hang? Here are examples.

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