Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 12
Today was the last day to spend on the cruising. I had my morning bathe. But half way through, there was no water. So I waited inside for 5 minutes or so, when I decided to get the hot flask from outside to wash away the shampoo on my head. When I brought in the flask, guess what? There was water again! Is the toilet playing prank on me?
We had our breakfast almost the same food as yesterday. But missing the yellow bun. The white bun is totally tasteless. I only had a small amount portion of food. Cause there was lack of time and my throat hurt now. Yesterday had too much fried crab and fish already.
At 7.30 am, we alight the cruising ship and board on the bus back to WUST. The trip cost us almost 6 hours of journey. In between, we stop by a supermarket. Almost all the students bought snacks and foods. But for me, was searching the toilet. Finally, I found the toilet after 15 minutes. The toilet was dirty, with shit around the toilet bowl. Even after you finish your big or small business, there isn’t any tap water for you to wash your hands. Therefore, taking out my water bottle use it to wash my hand. On my way back, down the escalator. The escalator suddenly moves upwards when I was going down.
Finally back at the hostel, where usual routine carry on.

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