Monday, March 16, 2009

day 3
For the night throughout, the temperature was just cozy enough for me to sleep. I was really sound asleep. Even someone rang me from Singapore during midnight, I also could not hear.

Today, basically wake up and get wash up. After that, pack up my things which were needed for the first lesson today. While walking to the canteen, we thought we have not enough time to eat. However, we still decided to stay at the canteen and finish up our breakfast. Mr Chua came to the canteen to have breakfast too while we were half way eating. Upon finishing our dinner, we went to the classroom. It was already near 9, and it was like not much group was there.

All of us had our first lesson from 9am – 12 pm. However, our informal lesson today was presentation of Singapore history and culture. And only two group present. It was lunch break time; this time ate another type of fried rice. After gobbled all of it up, I could feel that my stomach having heat inside due to the spiciness I ate from the fried rice.

Continued our second lesson at 2pm. However, this time while waiting for teacher, I fall asleep on the chair. The teacher was like late for 15 minutes. This time we need to do 2 projects. First one is the writing about the educational system in china and the second one is the photo essay on faces. So, we drafted out what we wanted to do research on the educational system and need to submit the both project on the first week of April.

I find it weird for us Singaporean to do a presentation on Singapore history and culture. Singaporean should know a bit of knowledge about Singapore. Even if they do not know, once they do their research on information for the slides on it. They would know and understand it already. The staff in the canteen is being concern about our lives. She was asking what the condition of us staying here.

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