Tuesday, March 31, 2009

day 28
Lesson as for normal, 9am class. And today is finally the last day of APPG. But, chapter 7, for me, still kind of blur, not so sure of how to do it.

whole day was doing lab 7, lab 6 and mini project. Now i have problem with my mini project. Going to continue tomorrow

went for dinner just outside hostel again. today tried new things. the yang zhou fried rice and tang yuan. First time in China ate tang yuan. the taste of it isn't bad. it's just that it's small and the filling it little. you have to bite into half to taste the taste of the filling. the soup for the tang yuan taste like mi jiu ( rice wine )

after dinner, went up to siew bo room to seek help from him. Only understand quite a little from him. the rest will study next time.

Monday, March 30, 2009

day 27
Start of chapter 6 today for APPG. Due to yesterday having BBQ, today lesson start at 10am.
yesterday lost my specs there do today 8am leave the hostel to find it. Luckily, those art student did not go to the place to draw their drawing. so, it is easier for me, jia he and xin rong to help me and myself find. luckily manage to find it. But the spec, is very loose already.

after that went to the canteen to have our breakfast. Jia he and Xin Rong went to withdraw money. Lesson as usual after that. Keep having error for chapter 6. Trying over and over again, figuring and mastering it.

During evening, went to play ping pong. Quite a fun game with sebestian, jia he and satish. learn a few moves from sebestian. Learn how to curve the ball, sebestian is good at it. i am starting to get more and more interested in ping pong.

when we come back to the hostel, dave was sick. he got food poisioning. So mr chua and us accompany him to the hospital, taking turns to have dinner to accompany dave till 10.45pm. Now back to hostel doing works.

i wonder why china hospital all injection were all in the butt? is it easier to inject? I think china is a bit too exaggerated. just a little bit of food poisioning have to drip 4 bottles of gloucose. But it seems it help too. Dave got much better after it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

day 26
It's free & easy day. The day where everyone could sleep till quite late to wake up. If not, have to wake up early everyday to study, or go for an outing.

So today, wake up at 8am, doing the last touch up on the mini project till chapter 5. Do 2h to do that. After that, went for lunch at canteen 2. It's been weeks since i last went to canteen 2. Usually for fried rice, it will be ready in around 5-10 mins. However, today was kind of slow. the timing was almost double.

Went back to the hostel and watch DVD that i have bought for 4hours. Soon, it's time for us to leave the hostel, bringing food and drinks to the BBQ place.

group 2

This is quite a new experience for us, having BBQ oversea. quite interesting isn't it? The BBQ doesn't have grills for us to put. It took us quite a long time to start a fire, which is like 40 mins. But we are the first group to have it started.

i had lost my spec during the BBQ, wondering how am i going to survive?

starting a BBQ fire in china is tough. Without fire starter, plucking out grass, dried grass, leaves, using chopsticks for eating to burn to start the fire. In order to create a long lasting and big fire, have to use a large amount of that and having it continuously burning. at first, manage to burn a little bit of those charcoals. But persevere till the fire started. Slowly, adding ''fuel'' to it, the charcoal become hotter, and finally done. Without grills, BBQ-ing is also kind of tiring, holding on to the sticks of meat. in some ways, you are BBQ-ing your hands too and it is tired to hold there for long. As there is no grill, if you placed the stick on the metal for support, the stick will slowly turn black and burn, break and drop into the charcoal.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

day 25
Went off in the morning with chewy to canteen 1.
i thought today was weekday, wanting to buy you tiao.
while approaching there, saw the canteen was black, which means the stall isn't open.
we then found out that the canteen, most of the stall was close on sat.

The bus was late due to traffic jam. Took a 1h+ journey to han kou. After arriving there, due to the weather not co-operating with us. we ain't able to go to the garden. So, the tour guide decided to let us go to shop first. So we spend out time shopping till 3. Meet back at the place we alighted. the place there have a lot of statues.

Went to Wuchang, near huang he luo there to shop.
the fish is kept inside this bottle. some bottles, the fishes were dead. I wonder did the owner feed the fishes? or just leave it in there till people buy it. This look like somehow torturing the fishes.
today, heard another different version of story of the yellow crane tower from the tour guide. Overall was quite tiring, as today seems to be free and easy which let us shop all day long.
China people doing their business are kind of lazy. When you enter the shop, they just stare at the television, PSP, or laptop if they have one or having friends to chat with. they don't even care you enter the shop and even offer you an assist. Some of the shop even doesn't have assissant in it for more than 10 mins. You can eventually just take the things and go. What's the mindset of those people i wonder.

Friday, March 27, 2009

day 24
Today lecturers had this plan to have us visit an industry. An industry about optic fibre and cable. we took this bus there which took us about 15mins.

Basically this company, or industry is into making just only this two main thing, optic fibre and cable. Before seeing at the processes, the guy in red was actually explaining the basic of creating it. the actual way was a secret to prevent copyright. The making was like chemistry. Mixing things here and there, and Poof, your results are out. while we are inside, we seen how they create the things, process it and "package" it. The optic fibre was roll into 200km rolls. when it is being roll, it just look like metal rounding the rolls as the fibre is silverish. 1 glass tube could make to 2000km of optic fibre, so it's around 10 rolls.
Here are some of the products:

The tour end around 12. we Took back the same bus back to the hostel. we went to canteen 2 to have our lunch. So i went to but this 无骨鸡柳 (boneless chicken ). so she ask me whether i want chilli sauce. i replied her, No. Does she have 茄汁(tomato sauce ) and she heard as brinjal. At first i didn't know till she gave me.

4pm was out APPG test. This time the test was somehow different from the rest of the trail theory test. Especially the last question. Previous trial test was kind of difficult, like the olden days maths when we are in primary school, those question with a * on it. The thinking of those question is almost the same. However, today the test paper, had this try/ catch and for loops. Somehow know how to do, and somehow don't know how to do.

Went out of WUST to get our dinner. Went opposite to the food street side. while waiting for our food, suddenly the sky went bright and BOOM sound ring our ear drums. There are fireworks. The fireworks was just fire up which is less than 100m from us. First time seeing such a up close fire works.

Today i know that, some words in chinese is different meaning from what we speak in Singapore and CHina. Tomato sauce in chinese can become brinjal in chinese. When we were going to packet our food, we told them we don't want to have plastic bag in Singapore chinese, they doesn't what it mean. Fireworks can be set freely in China. Almost everyday hearing the sound of the fireworks. But it's very dangerous, you see all the gunpower remaining all drop to the ground when it is on fire. Now i understand why singapore government banned it. Even though it's fun to watch and play it, but it hurt people easily too.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Photo Essay

First arrival in GuangZhou Airport, waiting for time to pass to transfer plane

Our first dinner, also first food in Wuhan. In WUST canteen
That's how WUST ( zhongnan branch ) main front part look like.

Presenting our powerpoint slides to our friends on Singapore history and culture
Trying out the fishball here, the one in the mid. Different texture and softness from singapore.
Visit to dong hu. nice scenery there.
Even archery is in dong hu. Beginner can try here.
Common food here, BBQ cuttlefish.
Yellow Crane tower at the back.
A picture in the yellow crane tower, having stories about it
one of the sword that use in red cliff battle
Statue of people's action in the olden days
it is very pitiful, however, another way to beg for money
Goreng Pisang adding sauce to it. Nice.
Cheap & delicious steak
the Dam is behind me
Group photo: At the peak where most view can be seen
That's how cruising ship in china look like
the ship in between of the dam
cruising in a small boat in shennong stream
visiting a metal processing industry
tai zi po, one of the attraction in wudang mt.
cable up to wudang mt.
Wudang Mt.
Learning kungfu at wudang mt.
one of the product, optic fibre, made in china with colours
BBQ-ing in Wuhan

DAY 23

This morning lecture was change to IS as Mr. Ma was feeling unwell. Did a bit of photo essay, mini project, watch a little bit of anime.

Afternoon lesson was APPG. Mr. Ma was back to the classroom. We were given a set of theory Test paper to practice as tomorrow will be the test. After 1h or so, we were given answers to the paper. After that, we were released.

We went to canteen 3 to have dinner, upon finishing, the sky start to darken a little. After stepping out of the canteen, found out that it was drizzling. adding a little speed to our foot.
When we walk till outside the library, there was lightning. The China people started to run.Are they so scared of lightning will strike them? Almost all the China started running when there was lightning. Why are they running? afraid of lightning, or afraid that it might rain suddenly? Even though, we are on the hill. There are building around, but, do they have the lightning conducting rod? i am not sure about that. If don't have, that the reason they run.
Intercultural Readiness Self Assessment

The first column itemizes personal characteristics that are helpful for cross-cultural interactions.
Evaluate your own current intercultural readiness on a scale of 1-100.
Also set a target for day when this Overseas Immersion Programme (OIP) in Wuhan, China ends. Do this honestly and intuitively.

Current self estimate
Score: 1-100

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP:
Score: 1-100


Characteristic: Current self estimate : 50

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 85
I hope to know more information and culture others have around me so that I am able to expose myself further instead of living in my own world.

Respect for other beliefs

Characteristic: Current self estimate :30

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 60

As a Buddhist, i sometime do not believe in Buddhism. therefore, quite hard for me to believe in others beliefs and respect it. Therefore, when it come to society, we must respect each other for what they do, even their beliefs. So i must try to work on it.

Trust in other people

Characteristic: Current self estimate :70

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 90

When it comes to Group Work or Teamwork, Trust is very important criteria. If you doesn't trust them, sometime you won't be able to go forward or even do something else. Having a strong team bonding also need trust to go along with. Without it, a team isn't a team anymore.

Tolerance for discomfort

Characteristic: Current self estimate :65

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 90

Living in another different type of environment is certainly hard. You does not know the condition of the place and even familiar with it. In order to get adapt to the place, you need to be tolerating for a while. For example, having people cutting queue when you are queuing up and it's your turn soon.

Tolerance for ambiguity

Characteristic: Current self estimate :60

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 75

Life isn't perfect at all. For most of the time, the things you didn't expect to happen or things you won't want to happen, it will happen. How you going to solve it is the problem, not just tolerate it.


Characteristic: Current self estimate :80

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 90

To me, i think i am very patience already. There are a few times, my friend were late for 2hours and i just sat there waiting for him. Most of the time, patience can help do things better, or even strengthening relationship.

Sense of personal control

Characteristic: Current self estimate :50

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 80

Personal Control is very important factor to consider while staying oversea. Living alone oversea with no income has to control on a lot of things. For example, Finance. the things you have to buy must be cheap in order to control the money you have.

Interpersonal skills

Characteristic: Current self estimate :45

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 85

To have a effective interaction and communication, interpersonal skills is needed. Going oversea, as a singaporean, your action will tell the locals there how singapore is. If you leave a good impression, they will think that Singapore is a good, fine country and impressed.

Willingness to take initiative

Characteristic: Current self estimate :55

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 75

Having to take initiative mean that the person do a task volunteerly. Sometime taking iniative will one to improve in terms of skills and knowledges.

Willingness to take risks

Characteristic: Current self estimate :65

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 80

Adverture suits me. I am a person who sometime take risks depending on what i do. Taking risks would be fun but depending on how u take it. if there will be a high disadvantage of it, i certainly won't do it.

Sense of humor

Characteristic: Current self estimate :50

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 70

Hanging out with different cliques will have a different character from me. Some cliques will have the fun side of me. So i usually joke with them. Sometime sense of humor is important as it can help you release stress or make you more relaxed.

Curiosity about other cultures

Characteristic: Current self estimate :45

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 75

Staying in China, help to generate the interested for some types of culture. Making me wanting to know more about it.

Comfort level with strangers

Characteristic: Current self estimate :60

Target upon completion of Wuhan, China OIP: 85

Comfort Level with stranger for me does not varies. I am quite comfortable with strangers, but speaking or interacted with them depends on them too. Having a common topic with each other will be easier to chat and interact with

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

day 22
4th week of OIP has begun, 2 more weeks to go. And singapore here we coming soon.

3 weeks has passed, i am still not getting use to the taste of china food, the oiliness, the spiciness, the weird taste of the food. I still prefer Singapore food. This morning, ate the 油条. From the name, you can tell it's oily. but, the one's in Singapore has a different taste compare to China. i find it that China's food tend to be more oily. All the food in China has some sort of a same taste.

Carried on back to class, i was trying to complete Lab 5. the program is complicated to me. After completing, having errors here and there. Till i gave up solving it, so got help from chewy. He understand the program faster than me. So, he just click here and there, and it's done. The thing is the code wasn't change at all. I was trying to figure it out after he did the thing, but couldn't. So i ask him again. he told me he forget.

Doing programming means having to understand all the codes completely. If doesn't, when having errors, you won't know what it means or how to even correct it. *poof* there goes your programs.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

day 21
Today had my lab test for APPG. Comparing the paper to trial lab test, the paper today was much easier. After doing the trial lab test yesterday was indeed a help to score for the lab test.

My lab test started from 9am to 10am. after that was free period. i was staying inside my hostel, watching the red cliff. Due to the presentation the china lecturer gave, made me interest in it. Therefore , bought a DVD from WUST canteen 3.

During the afternoon lesson, was chapter 5 again. For me, Chapter 5 was difficult. Maybe it's a total new chapter which is different from chapter 1 to chapter 4. So, need more time to absorb it.

During the evening, played basketball. this is the first few time i played a match. i totally have no teamwork. keep banging into my own teamwork. So i need to train up on that.

Monday, March 23, 2009

day 20
the lecturers were good enough to let us have lesson later, at 10am. so today, we have more time to sleep. Today was having lesson from 10-11.30, which Mr. Ma had gone through Chapter 5.

during the afternoon, was having trial lab test. A practice for everyone to prepare for the test tomorrow. The test was a bit different from what we have learn before. Have to understand what the code each means. i was stuck at the last part, after a reference from nickki.

tml will be having lab test from 9-10am. be alert tomorrow

Sunday, March 22, 2009

day 19
second day at Wudang Mt. firstly, cable car should be faster than climbing up the mountain. However, due to the super long queue, we queued up for hours and ended up slower than those who climb up the mountain. When we were queuing up, we experienced people cutting queue and having others scolding them. those who cut queue just ignore what the others say. However, we too somehow miss the climbing of mountain route to the top.

today, basically just spend the day queuing up, cable car up and down, spend like 2-3hours on the peak, down we go have lunch and bus home. reach the hostel near to 10pm.

However, on our way back something interesting happen which we won't be able to see it happen in Singapore. The bus driver was driving in the opposite way, which is the opposite lanes. therefore, the vehicles travelling towards us. It's kind of dangerous. but china people does not horn each other while that happen, they somehow horn each other just for the sake of asking them to move away a little to their left or right to overtake them.

day 18
First time going up the mountain. Mt. Wudang! 1.6km high.
i will let the photo do the work instead of words

i think the hotel is much more better than the hostel. i sleep more soundly and comfortably there. the toilet is much more better compare to ours