Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 38
Today, Group 2 together with nicki took a van to Hankou. Today bought quite a number of items.

We had dinner at Pizzahut ( 必胜客 ). The pricing there was less than Singapore's by a little. To my surprise, Pizzahut items are more expensive than those steak we had all eaten. Isn't steak suppose to be more expensive? It seems that Pizzahut is more high class in China than those steak resturant.

One incident happen in Pizzahut. The waitress at first wanted to take our order, but, she thought that we couldn't speak Chinese as we are speaking in English with each other. Therefore, she went to ask for her colleague's help who know English. After a while, we change our language to Chinese. As speaking to her in English is kind of weird. But, her speaking of English was quite fluent.

After telling her where were we from, as she prompt us this question, she told us that she had a friend who is also studying in Singapore at Republic Poly. She question about those rates in Singapore. She wondered $600 Sing dollar is it possible to survive there for 1 week including air ticket.

Two incidents which the topic was almost the same happened.
The thing was we did not know what happen, we just saw a taxi driver came out of his vehicle and a motorcyclist quarreling. The taxi driver was walking out fiercely toward him. In the end the taxi driver was in the fault, he quieten down and entered his vehicle. Then an injured man with a bandage left arm enter his vehicle. Weird isn't it? if it was me, i wouldn't enter the vehicle of a guy i don't know after he had been in a quarrel. 1 weird thing was, along the whole stretch of street, there was around 10 or lesser police cars. But there was no police around. Where are they? Are they slacking around? The problem is i think of was, why did they have so many police car there?

Secondly was between a group of businessmen. They were standing right at the center of the path, quarreling. They were yelling quite loudly. We did not stay to watch the incident.

Likely all the person we met was friendly enough. China people have attitude problems or even hot-tempered.

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