Wednesday, April 15, 2009

day 42.

Finally, we are going back to Singapore. I have endured 42 days independently oversea.

For this OIP, i have improve quite a number of things. Learning about the history, culture. This information still save inside the memory of my brain. Getting to know more about friends, improving the bond between friends. I also get to made new friends in CHina.

Being in foreign places, learning to adapt to the environment, being prepared for what is coming.

At first, was kind of missing Singapore. But the day we were going back, the feeling was i am missing Wuhan. When we are at the place, we don't tend to miss it as we are having it. But losing it, will cause the miss in it.
day 41

Final day playing in Wuhan.

Around 5+, Jeremy, Xin Rong, Dave, Ben and i went to the foreign school to set up the place and decorate it.

The closing ceremony started with a fews games. So after games, we had interaction sessions. We were toasting to each other too, with soft drinks.

after that was firework sessions.

In Singapore, we ain't allow to play fireworks due to safety concerns. So, we must enjoy when we are able to fire it too. This is also the first time looking at the fireworks at such a close range.
day 40

Today was nothing special, just stay in the room for quite a long time.

So basically, i went up to Mr. Chua's empty room together with XIn Rong and Jia He as he was not using the room.

Instead of doing our work, the three of us opened a LAN Room there. 3 of us were playing computer games together.

Night fall, went to the 4th floor to had poker games.

Day 39

Today was the last day to shop if you want to do so. 10 of us went to Si Men Kou, located near yellow crane tower, splitted into two groups. 1 group took the taxi while another took a mini van. The taxi group reach first and started shopping at the ATM shop. As we shop, the time got longer and longer, wondering why the other groups took so long.

Thus, when they reach. They had a story to tell. The mini van group got into an incident. The mini van was scratch by another vehicle. The driver of it wasn't very happy but angry. So he took out a wrench and hit the owner of the vehicle at the arm. Isn't it good that they did not got into trouble?

China people are scary huh. Just scratch on the vehicle and they use weapon. Why can't they just pay for the repair fees for each other? Isn't there another solution for it? Using violet can't solve anything will it?

Since it's the last day that we are able to have steak, xin rong, jia he, ernest and i decided to have our cheap steak.

All of us wanting to head back to school in A taxi as we did not know how to get back to our shcool with Bus. The rain was quite heavy and we were outside by the roadside for a long time. Hailing for taxi but to no avail. Most of the taxi with a sign on the windscreen saying their destination to HanKou. Luckily, we still managed to get on the Taxi. The driver was quite young. And this is the first time i saw a young driver. He was about the age of 25 i guess. He was rushing for time most probably. He was speeding and turning fast, cutting lanes, overtaking cars and the most dangerous case, driving at the opposite lanes. The weather was raining, the road were wet, brakes does not work effectively too.

Due to the weather, the fireworks sessions was cancel and postpone to the next day. So for dinner, we joined Mr. Ma as he was alone.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 38
Today, Group 2 together with nicki took a van to Hankou. Today bought quite a number of items.

We had dinner at Pizzahut ( 必胜客 ). The pricing there was less than Singapore's by a little. To my surprise, Pizzahut items are more expensive than those steak we had all eaten. Isn't steak suppose to be more expensive? It seems that Pizzahut is more high class in China than those steak resturant.

One incident happen in Pizzahut. The waitress at first wanted to take our order, but, she thought that we couldn't speak Chinese as we are speaking in English with each other. Therefore, she went to ask for her colleague's help who know English. After a while, we change our language to Chinese. As speaking to her in English is kind of weird. But, her speaking of English was quite fluent.

After telling her where were we from, as she prompt us this question, she told us that she had a friend who is also studying in Singapore at Republic Poly. She question about those rates in Singapore. She wondered $600 Sing dollar is it possible to survive there for 1 week including air ticket.

Two incidents which the topic was almost the same happened.
The thing was we did not know what happen, we just saw a taxi driver came out of his vehicle and a motorcyclist quarreling. The taxi driver was walking out fiercely toward him. In the end the taxi driver was in the fault, he quieten down and entered his vehicle. Then an injured man with a bandage left arm enter his vehicle. Weird isn't it? if it was me, i wouldn't enter the vehicle of a guy i don't know after he had been in a quarrel. 1 weird thing was, along the whole stretch of street, there was around 10 or lesser police cars. But there was no police around. Where are they? Are they slacking around? The problem is i think of was, why did they have so many police car there?

Secondly was between a group of businessmen. They were standing right at the center of the path, quarreling. They were yelling quite loudly. We did not stay to watch the incident.

Likely all the person we met was friendly enough. China people have attitude problems or even hot-tempered.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

day 37

From today onwards, it will be free and easy. So today our group went to this IT world in Wuhan. A place full of IT stuffs. At first wanted to buy the ipod nano that mr chua bought, however, we cant find it. So in the end, we did not bought.

Somewhere near there, there is a building which is kind of high class. All the stuff was branded inside. Therefore the price was also very nice.

China people are very persistence in doing things. They will keep bugging you till you say yes. When we enter the IT mall, lots and lots of people keep asking us to sit down and listen to their products. Even though we denied or ignore, they keep following us. Another case was, on the street, there was this auntie giving cards. First time we walked pass, she keep pestering dave to take the card. So dave finally took it, then he carry on walking. After 2 steps, she just say if you dun want to buy, give me the card back. So second time we walk pass, the target now was me. she keep pestering me for like 30meters. While pestering, she kept dragging my arm till i am fustrated and swing my arm away. Luckily, Singaporeans ain't like China people.
day 36

Today was the last day to go back to the classroom for studies. I had my APPG mini project interview at 1030am. Basically, Mr.Ma just see how our program work, what did we use for the programs, how to use the codes.

So after that, went to guang gu to rebond my hair together with jit siong, chewy and xin rong. We took a bus there and overshot by 1 bus stop. In China, 1 bus stop to another is kind of far. And we walk back.

When we entered the place, the hairdressers and stylists kept asking us whether if we have the VIP member card. Every single one that attend to me ask me that. Does that mean having a member card will have different treatment? Having a member card will have a better treatment uh? the member card was actually just for the 10% discount from what i know and borrow from jeremy as he borrow from China friend. Why must we tell them we had this member card or not? i don't get it.

[ in processing straightening. ]

[ The rest are dying colours ]